Saturday, November 6, 2010

Atheists are so stupid

I was talking to an Atheist the other day, and he says to me "Jesus was a Jew."

No he wasn't.  Jesus was a Christian.  How can atheists believe such stupid things?  Oh, yeah.  I forgot.  They believe in evolution.

It wouldn't bother me if Atheists weren't constantly trying to convert me to their religion, and trying to get their religion taught in schools all the time.  Does separation of church and state only apply to Christians?  Yeah, I thought so.

If you won't sit down and talk to me about Jesus why should I sit down and talk to YOU about your religion?  The Bible has a good Christian rule here that you may have heard of, "The Golden Rule."  Ring any bells?  Yeah. Jesus said it.


  1. How can you NOT know that Jesus was a Jew? Look it up, seriously...

  2. Jesus was a jew. Evolution is true. Even pope agrees.

  3. Hey, blog poster..
    Ateism isn't a religion, it's a state of not believing or caring.

    Also, do you have any ACTUAL talents or do you just rant around on your stupid blog all day and believe in the bible? Because you sound pretty stupid to me.

    Whatever, i'm just going to go back to what i was doing.
