Sunday, November 21, 2010

Don't ever forget that you told your wife that you have a blog

Well, I'm in it deep.

As the title suggests, I forgot that I told the wife about the blog.  "It'll make great money honey!  All people have to do is click on the ads!  And they're TARGETED!"  (We see how well that's turning out.)  Well, long story short she read about how I may have accidentally killed the cat.

Oh man, did I get an ear full.  "What did I tell you about drinking?   I told you that you should cut back on the drinking!  Now, the kids are crying and the cat is dead!  Was it worth it?"

Man...  I was already feeling guilty, but, now, I feel guilty AND I have a head ache.

Hey, sweety.  If you're reading my PERSONAL PRIVATE blog again here's an idea:  Why don't you shut up?

I'm going to drink beer if I god damned want to, and there is absolutely zero that you can do about it.  Did you miss the part where I said I was going to buy a new cat?  FUCK!

PS  I could have boned your sister back when we first started dating.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

We Say Goodbye to a Family Friend Today

You gotta live every day like it's your last.

There's simply no other way to live.  You could die at any moment.  I found that out the hard way today.

I have a cat named Handsome.  Had a cat I should say.  I eat a lot of tuna sandwiches since tuna is pretty cheap and we're living in such hard economic times, so Handsome developed a habit of going through our trash. This usually wasn't such a terrible thing.  We'd wake up in the morning after a previous day's tuna luncheon and trash would be strewn about the floor.  I'd hit the cat and yell "NO!" and the cat would run off and hide.  That's the way it usually worked, anyway.

Well, this morning has been a rough morning and the wife and kids won't stop crying.  This morning they found Handsome lying dead in the bathroom.  You see, yesterday we once again had tuna, and last night Handsome once again got into the trash.  I once again had to spank Handsome.

Handsome was an old cat.  We've had him for 15 years, and for 15 years he's been getting into the trash.  I guess all those spankings added up, because after I hit him, Handsome didn't run off as fast as usual.  He took several strides forward and kinda stumbled.  After the stumble it was more of a staggering and the cat disappeared.  I didn't think much of it until about 12 o'clock.

The house was all but quiet around until around noon when the kids started waking up.  My oldest son woke up, but I would have thought it was my daughter with the blood curdling scream that shook the house, and found the cat "Just laying there and not moving not even when I turned the shower on." The running water usually scares the Hell out of Handsome.  "So I kinda nudged him with my foot..."  Crying.

It was an awful site when we found the cat.  A bit of dried blood was dripping out of Handsome's nose, and when I lifted him up to put him in his burial trash bag the carpet kind of stuck to the side of his face.

We held a small funeral service for the cat and I feel kind of guilty.  Everyone had a few kind words to say about the long time family pet, and there were a lot of tears from the kids.  This was their first experience with death, but they have to go through it sooner or later.

I can't help but feel like it's a little my fault that the cat died.  I had been drinking the night before and everybody knows that Daddy has a bit of a temper the next morning after he's been drinking, so I may have accidentally hit the cat a little bit harder than necessary.

I'm probably going to have to buy a kitten for the kids to ease my conscience and the kids sense of loss.

Today was not a fun day.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

If evolution is real then what did God evolve from?

I have found a big whole in the atheist theory of evolution. If evolution is real, what did God evolve from?

Evolution teaches us that everything has to evolve from something, but this is wrong. The Bible teaches us that God is eternal. This means that god has no predecesor. This means that God didn't evolve from anything. And this means that evolution is false.

This logic is flawless and has no holes.

Atheists deluded by the words of Satan like to claim that "Man made God," but they got that backwards, "God made man." Man did make one thing though, he made up evolution, but we can't completely discredit the role that the devil played in the culmination of such an asinine theory. Charles Darwin was a regular user of pschopharmacoligical drugs (drugs that affect the way that the brain functions) and as we all know Satan made drugs to trick people into not believing in God. Successfully stripped of his faith in The Lord, Charles Darwin began to try and rationalize a Godless theory of the origin of life.

Charles Darwin, as we have already explored tries to explain away the origins of life saying that each thing that exists today has a similar but completely different ancestor, like a chimpanzee gave birth to human, or a bat gave birth to a bird, but if that's true how come in all of recorded history has there never been a case of a human givng birth to a spider monkey? I'll tell you why. In Genesis God wrote that each plant and animal gives rise to more of its' kind. OF ITS KIND.

It doesn't say that "God made monkeys make humans." It says that God made man whole in His image and in his current form.

Here's something else to think about just in case I haven't blown your minds and your arguments full of enough holes already: If every species has a species that gives birth to it, what gave birth to the first species? Let me guess, life has always been here? Then why can't God have always been here?

Friday, November 12, 2010

Military Wives are Gold Digging Parasites

Don't get me wrong. I support the troops. They fight for our country and for our freedom. They are willing to put their lives on the line so we can continue to enjoy the freedoms that we currently enjoy today. The type of man that joins the military is a young man, and along with youth generaly comes a lack of wisdom. They aren't looking for the more subtle dangers out there.

Waiting and ready to pounce is a type of woman that should be despised. She knows that the military means job security and good pay, but she herself doesn't have the gusto to fight for our country. So there is only one way for her to reap the rewards that service to our country has to offer. She marries a young soldier.

When a young man joins the military he doesn't realize how hard it can be to meet good women. He is soon seduced by these lazy vixens and tricked into marraige and a baby. She is a parasite.

How often have you seen an army wife hold a job? I have never. All they do is sit at home all day. They rarely make friends and tend to just stay inside all day and watch TV. They give little if any attention to the kids, and these kids run wild around base housing. They spend every dime that their military husbands make. It's disgusting.

I've also heard of the recent development of prostitution rings among military wives. They wait until their husbands are away on deployment and low and behold their home and sacred bed becomes nothing more than a brothel.

All this would be fine if these army wives were actually good at child rearing, but the simple matter of fact is that if you've ever been bullied or inconvenienced it was probably by an army brat. With their mother constantly glued to the TV or, nowadays, the internet, these poor children recieve little guidence and, as The Bible tells us, you should honor thy parents, but that's hard to do when they aren't paying any attention to you.

I wouldn't be surprised to hear if upwards of 90% of military children were on drugs, seeing as how these awful wives are the ones who spit out the most babies. It's the only thing that they're capable of. If you can't cook, you can't clean, you can't raise children, and you refuse to get a job to help support the family your only function is a receptical for your husband's seed, which also explains the sheer amounts of on base prostitution. In order to make sure that you get as much of your husbands hard earned money in the divorce you've got to pop out as many kids as possible even if you plan on spending most of the money on yourself.

So remember, young soldiers. There are good, God-fearing women out there but there are even more women out there in search of nothing more than your fat milatary wallet. If you EVER have a fight with your girlfriend and are in the military, and she wants to be a stay at home mom, and you don't see any forward momentum in her, chances are you're dealing with a gold digger. Almost 7/8 of below E-6 marriages end in divorce with the soldier now having to pay child support to a woman on welfare who now has all of your kids who you'll never see again and she says bad stuff about you to them all day everyday while doing nothing productive. Don't fall into the same trap that almost all of your fellow soldiers fall into. Meet a woman at church and don't tell her you're in the military until after you've proposed. God bless.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

The TSA Protects us From Terrorism

The TSA is just doing their job. Get over yourself. Not everyone wants to touch your junk. You're not the hottest person in the world. If you aren't having tons of sex with random strangers, even if I don't condone that, chances are you don't look that good.

I'm sick and tired of seeing all this stuff about how the TSA is a bunch of molesters. You should show some respect for these people doing a job that takes so much heat just so you can be safer. You can thank liberals for the reason why you specifically may be randomly selected. In order to not look racist, even though not one terrorist is anything but Middle Eastern, the liberals have made it to where everyone has to be potentially randomly selected wasting billions of tax payer dollars (good job, Obama.)

So what would you rather? A few people who most likely won't be you get checked for bombs knives and other deadly weapons? Or would you rather that the plain that you're riding on be an easy target to be blown up and you die in a firey death?

I personally have never been selected for a random search, but then again it's pretty apparent that I love America. Be it the support our troops magnet on my suitcase or the American flag hat that I sometimes where on my head, I couldn't tell you, but one thing that I can tell you for certain is that the only way to prevent terrorism is to be actively looking for terrorism. Doing anything less would be unresponsible.

Obama's already messed up this country enough and has a snowball's chance in hell of being reelected, but one thing that I can say for sure is that he'd never commit political suicide by getting rid of a program that does nothing but keep God-fearing Americans safe.

People are mad that they can't bring mouthwash on the plane with them. So what? You can buy it as soon as you get through the security check point. You know what can fit in a bottle of mouth wash? Nitro glycerin. Is minty fresh breath really worth having a hole blown in the side of the plane, being sucked out and falling 5 miles to your death?

You may get lucky, you may survive, but one thing is for certain. Once you experience the horror of a terror attack you won't wish it upon anyone else and you'll finally start supporting America and our defense budget. I hope it doesn't have to come down to that. I hope you'll learn to love your fellow man enough that you too will support the TSA BEFORE it comes down to more of your fellow Americans dying.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Video Game Violence Leads to Real Life Violence

I let my son play videogames. He'd be considered a weirdo if I didn't, but I draw a line. I don't allow my kid to play anything rated over E and even then I'm sometimes not comfortable with some of the themes in these games, like witchcraft and magic. But just like kids watching TV was a reality that my parents had to deal with, parents these days have to deal with the fact that you're kids are going to be playing video games.

If you're like me you don't much like playing videogames, nor for that matter are you very good at playing video games, so the actual content of the games that your kids are playing is a complete and utter mystery to you. So how do you know which games are good.for your children and which games will lead them down a less than wanted path? Well, I'm here to help.

The ESRB (Electronic System Rating Beuro) has the solution. In the bottom corner of most video games you'll see a letter. This letter is a rating like you'd see in a movie and it tells you who these titles are appropriate for. .I'll start you off with the basics.

E- You can remember "E" by remembering that it officially stands for "everyone". These are the safest games for your children, and you can buy them relatively fear free. The rating can be a little bit misleading though as all of these titles are most definitely not appropriate for just everyone. Some of these seemingly innocous games rated "E" have had things in them like "Fantasy Violence" which besides being violent and making young boys want to fight things can also include things like Witchcraft, Wizadry, Spells and other such Satanic rituals used to dispatch of enemies.

E10+- You can remember E10+ in pretty much the same way that you remember "E" in that it means that it's for "Everyone" but under no circumstances should you EVER let your kids play if they are under 10 years old. E10+ allows for even more violence all the way up to "Mild Violence" which includes people getting into fist fights and shooting at each other, as well as "Comic mischief" which will subject your children to ideas such as vandalism being a fine way to spend a day.

T- T stands for "Teenager". If your child is a teenager you know what sorts of sins are going on through their minds and theres no reason to exaserbate the problem. T games include such disgusting and gross misconduct as "Partial Nudity", "Sexual Themes", "Sexual Violence (Which includes rape)" and "Language (Which sounds educataional but they are referring to the bad kind)." If your child isn't already being exposed to this enough through school, why would you ever want to reinforce these uncouth behaviors by buying a videogame for your child which glorifies them? Even if your child is a teenager, I'd recomend stick far, far away from theses ones.

M- M stands for mature. While maturity is usually marked by a certain stoicism, "Mature" games are anything but. Take all the awful things that are in the teenager category and multiply by a factor of ten. Make no mistake about it, mature games are nothing but pure and unadulturated pornography. If you care about your soul and the souls of others, if you see your child or any other child playing a game with a big, black "M" marked on the case do them a favor and press the eject button on their video game and snap the disk in half. They may cry and be angry with you now, but several years down the line when they realize what maturity truly is they'll thank you.

So to sum up the list if your kid is under ten years of age stick with the "E" rating, but be vigilant for Satanic practices trying to be slipped into your childrens impressionable minds. If your child is over ten you may allow them to purchase games with "E10+" but you'll have to be even more careful as videogame designers allow even more evil into their games when they add the 10+ to the end. Any ranking higher, you must avoid at all costs and if you see your kids try to sneak them into the house I'd say that's grounds enough to search your child's room for drugs.

I've gotten a bit off track here, but the important thing to remember is that video game violence leads to real violence. The Columbine School Shooters played the most violent game of the early 90's, the Devil Worship Gloryfying game Doom, and since then every single act of violence at school when looked into turns out that the kids had been playing violent videogames at the home. We'd be better off if technology never moved forward and the Devil didn't come up with new ways to enchant our children into doing his bidding and shying away from the warm loving rays of hope of God, but the fight for our souls is an eternal battlefield and we must remain deligent in protecting our souls and the souls of others.

Another helpful tip before I finish this admittedly long post, if your kids are going to go hang out with a friend, make sure to call up the parents and find out if their kids are allowed to play videogames. Pretend to not have a problem with videogames and ask something like, "I was about to send my kid over to play with your kid and was wondering if your kid had Grand Theft Auto, and if my kid needed to bring it over." If they say "We already have that game" you know not to let your kid go over to play. I'm going to close this up with a list of other games that you should not allow your kid to play ever and that you could also use in your phone conversations with other suspicous parents.

Lord of the Rings
World of Warcraft
Prince of Persia
Assassin's Creed
Call of Duty
Medal of Honor
Final Fantasy

These are just to name a few. I would like to make the suggestion that you look up video game titles for yourself as well so that you may add to the list.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

BBC Outraged About South African Rape

The BBC is an ignorant news puplication. Recently, they are all up in arms about the recent gang rape that took place in a South African school. The girl was a harlot.

Who should we blame? Should we blame the people doing the raping, or should we blame the temptress that invites those around her to rape? It's a two way street. We are so quick to point the fingers at men in our current godless society, but The Bible tells us that men can't be wrong. So that leaves only one person to be blamed. The woman.

Why isn't this article looking for what the woman did wrong? Satan has a firm grip on the world governments of today and he knows that femenism and women's rights are the quickest way to disolve the position appointed by God that men should be the heads of the household. Women are supposed to be silent and support them.

While I think that it would have been for the best that if these young men would have married her beforehand, I don't think that they were completely out of line. Women should learn a little bit of respect in these troubling times, and I pray that she and the boys that she tempted turn to The Lord and pray about the sins that they have commited.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Being Fat is a Sin

One of the seven deadly sins that is most overlooked is the sin of gluttony. It's stated very plainly in the bible that if you're fat you're going to hell. If you don't like it you should know that it's not my idea, but God's idea.

God gave you your body and he thinks that we should respect it. Eating too much and causing your body to bloat and contort in ways never intended is not only disrespectful to yourself, but also disrespectful to God. These evil greedy corporations such as McDonald's would be happier and better off if you never cracked open your Bible and saw this to be the true word of God, so they decieve you with notions of freedom of choice, but in reality they just want to fatten you up and lure you away from the loving eyes of God.

If you are over 120 for a female, you are going to Hell.

If you are over 160 for a male, you are going to Hell.

I don't make the rules, I just follow them. So quit stuffing your faces, and pray to God for Him to help you lose weight and quit sinning.  We can't pick and choose which parts of The Bible we want to follow and which parts of The Bible we don't want to follow.  If you aren't following ALL of The Bible you are a sinner and you will be judged as one.

Everyone struggling with the sin of a weight problem, you'll be in my prayers. God Bless.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Suicide is for Little Girls

I don't understand people who commit suicide, but then again I'm not a wimp.

People who commit suicide are nothing but a bunch of babies who never grew up enough to stop looking to their mommies for help with every facet of their lives. Maybe if I was a whiny momma's boy I'd want to kill myself too, but in reality I'm not so I'd get over it. It's just being sad! Suck it up.

Why's it so hard for you to be happy? Is there something wrong with you?

Go outside. Hit on a girl. Go to a bar and get drunk! Watch a funny movie. There's so many things that will make you happy that I don't understand why you're so sad.

Look. I'm as excited about getting into heaven as the next guy, but if you kill yourself you don't go to heaven. You'll go to hell. God only gave you one life to live so live it! Don't take it for granted. If you're unhappy with the life that you have, God gave you free will. So use that free will to go out and change what you're unhappy about. That's what I do. That's why I have this blog.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The iPhone is a Piece of Junk!

The iPhone is a piece of junk! Why do they even call it a phone? The damned thing can't even make calls. There's no option for it.

I can connect to the internet, but only from my house on my own wifi network. I personally think that it should be considered false advertising calling this thing a phone.

The games are neat enough. Full 3D and almost looks like something you'd see on my son's Xbox 360 or PS3, and that's neat and all, but the main reason I got it was so that I could make phonecalls. I called up Apple Customer Support and they asked me to make sure that I indeed got an iPhone and not an iPod. 

I'm gonna let that sink in for moment.

Hello! I'm not stupid. There's a huge difference between an iPod and an iPhone, and I know what each one is. You can spot the difference from a mile away. The ipod doesn't have a touch screen.

Don't even get me started on how unresponsive the touchscreen is. When I AM at home to be able to get on the internet I may as well go and get on the computer! When I'm on the computer at least I'm not constantly clicking the wrong button due to a shoddy, stupid interface. At least the games and the music are portable. That's the only good thing that I have to say about this device.

Overall I give the iPhone 2 out of a possible 10 stars.

4chan- A Network for Pedophiles?

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Atheists are so stupid

I was talking to an Atheist the other day, and he says to me "Jesus was a Jew."

No he wasn't.  Jesus was a Christian.  How can atheists believe such stupid things?  Oh, yeah.  I forgot.  They believe in evolution.

It wouldn't bother me if Atheists weren't constantly trying to convert me to their religion, and trying to get their religion taught in schools all the time.  Does separation of church and state only apply to Christians?  Yeah, I thought so.

If you won't sit down and talk to me about Jesus why should I sit down and talk to YOU about your religion?  The Bible has a good Christian rule here that you may have heard of, "The Golden Rule."  Ring any bells?  Yeah. Jesus said it.